REMINDER: Donating Ukrainian Crisis AppealAPRIL IS HERE
REMINDER: Donating Ukrainian Crisis Appeal
We’ve now stepped into April, and it’s time to start donating to the Ukraine Emergency Appeal through the Red Cross with our Food Bank and our 50/50 until the end of May.
For the Food Bank, it will be monetary donations only (cash or cheque). No Food. Food donations will still go to the Elmvale and Wasaga Food Bank as usual so continue bringing that in as well.
Instead of half of the 50/50 going to the Club, we would like to donate that portion. The Red Cross was matching donations until they reached $30,000,000. And this has already been achieved. They aren’t sure whether the Government will offer matching contributions again, but we feel Red Cross is a great organization to support Ukraine.
Thank you for your anticipated support of this emergency appeal.