Membership Due at General Meeting

It’s that time once again for Membership renewal. It’s been a very tough few years, but our membership has stayed strong, and I want to thank you for continually participating and enjoying all the new and older activities we have running.

This year right off the top, we are looking forward to a roaring good time with a dance scheduled later in September called “Hear Me Roar.” Tickets will be on sale at the General Meeting on Tuesday, August 9th.  We also have our Volunteer Night in October, where we thank all our wonderful volunteers, promising a fun evening. And, I hear through the grapevine that Travel is planning another adventure, but you need to attend the General Meeting to hear all about it. 

Sandy Baker will have a table set up in the lounge to take your membership half an hour before the meeting starts and will be back at the end. Don’t forget to bring your cheque for $25.00 to renew. 

If you are a new member, pick up your application, fill it out neatly, and sign. This year’s membership is $25, with a pin on your name badge $31.00; or, if you wish, a magnet on your name badge $34.00. 

I hope to see many of you out to renew your membership and to hear all the exciting news.



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