REMINDER: Donating to Ukrainian Crisis AppealUntil the End of May!
REMINDER: Donating to Ukrainian Crisis Appeal
A friendly reminder to please put monies collected at your activity into the Food Bank jar for the Ukrainian Emergency Appeal, whether it be half your “Share the Wealth” or monies you intended to give to the Club. If you have $200 to give to the Club, why don’t you give $100 to the Food Bank jar and $100 to the Club?
For the Food Bank jar, it will be monetary donations only (cash or cheque). No Food. Food donations will still go to the Elmvale and Wasaga Food Bank as usual so continue bringing those food items in.
Also, if you know of an organization other than Red Cross that will get the money to Ukraine, please let me know, and we will go with that group.
Thank you for your anticipated support of this emergency appeal.