Bowling at Springwater Lanes, Elmvale

“Somethings are old; somethings are new, somethings are borrowed, somethings are just chewed. A chewed shoe is something comfortable and warm, like


This Thursday, August 3rd, at 12:30 pm, is Bay Shores’ bowling league’s first meet and play summer bowling at Springwater Lanes Bowling Centre, 120 Yonge Street North, Elmvale. The cost is $12.00 per person and $1.25 to rent shoes. We will be playing two frames on each lane. There will be four (4) teams of 3 players each if everyone who showed interest is playing. Of course, if you haven’t let us know, you are always welcome to join us.

I hope I’m up for the challenge. My 1st time bowling (yikes)! If you aren’t doing anything, drop in on us Thursday afternoon and check out the lanes.

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