Message from the Nominations Committee

A Message from the Nomination Committee

Due to personal circumstances, the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer positions are now vacant, along with Second Vice President and Recording Secretary. The club is desperately seeking members to step up and fill these positions.

Should these positions not be filled at next week’s general meeting, the doors will be closed until members step up. That means all committee heads that hold keys will have to turn them in, and all activities will be halted. That includes the Kids Bingo, Adult Bingo, the corn roast, and the trip in September. Also, any beach association or family function that may have booked the hall will be cancelled.

This is YOUR Club, do you really wish to say goodbye? There have to be a couple of members willing to step up and save the Club by volunteering for any of the above positions.

Please consider putting your name forward and contacting one of the committee members ASAP to help keep Bay Shore operating.

Sandy Baker Marilyn Lester Debbie Gutsell


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