Halloween Games and Social

What a terrific afternoon we had at our Halloween Games and Social on Thursday. Most members dressed in costume and looked amazing. Sue decorated the Club for us with Dracula, Witches, broomsticks, etc she created. Thank you to those who helped assemble everything within a 1/2 hour before the games began. It was spectacular. We had ‘Darts,’ ‘Mexican Train,’ and ‘Bid Euchre’ going while others socialized with one another. The bar did very well; thank you, Kim and Norm.


The Star of the Show was Sue’s 

Yummy Mummy Hot Dog Plate

which consisted of a Yummy Mummy Hot Dog with googly eyes, cut-off fingers with blood gushing out the end, broomsticks held together with chives and a creepy cupcake on a bewitching plate. You are very creative, Sue! Thank you! We all had a wonderful afternoon.

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