Second Open House

Thank you to all our convenors. Everyone stepped up. It just goes to show how much our Club means to you. We didn’t have much foot traffic, but we got a good number of new members.

We had our ladies from Lifestyle and Travel in the lounge, which gave them ample room to talk to prospective members.

VON, Darts, Billiards, Garden, Pickleball, Shuffleboard, Mini Putt, and Bingo were all represented.

Lynn looked after the membership booth, as Sandy was busy with Mini Putt and Bingo. Lynn obtained over 16 memberships promoting the club, with a few coming in over the next week. The last time we did an Open House, we received 11. Congrats Lynn!

Patricia (Judy’s daughter) put over 500 pictures on a USB drive. Dennis burned them onto a DVD so we could get them to display on both TVs. Terry had great music streaming through our speakers for a friendly environment.

Katy helped make the afternoon animated, showing what our Line Dancing was all about with a couple of good sports, Helen G. and Lorri, dancing along with her. We even got some prospective members to join us. Thank you, Katy, and a massive hug to Helen G. Helen M. was lucky she was on holiday. I tried to drag her along as well. Bruce also did a couple of renditions of songs the Choir was working on—lots of fun.

Woodcarving, Arts, Crafts, Book Club and Billiards were in the back half of the building but got lots of exposure as well. The craft room looked terrific, with several new and old members’ carvings. Crafts sold a few things as well.

Thanks to our bartenders, Norm McLaughlin and Sandy McLoughlin. Not only do you make great drinks, but you are also great conversationalists.

Thanks to my comrades Judy, Sue, and Lynn for helping me pull the event together from beginning to end. Once again, thank you to our fabulous convenors for making our visitors feel important. I think I saw some people sit and learn how to play Bid-Euchre. And a few took a swing at the mini putt floorboard and darts.

I am very happy and pleased to see everyone pull together to make our afternoon successful!


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